June 2, 2015
In March, I put out a little message on my Facebook Business Page asking for interest in a “Mommy and Me Event” for Mother’s Day. It was just something I had on my mind for a while as I noticed that although parents have plenty of photos of their kiddos taken by themselves it’s pretty rare that I see Mommy’s (and parents in general) get in front of the camera unless it’s that “once a year around holiday time” sort of thing. Moral of the story, I’ve been trying to push getting my clients to exist in photos so their children have something to look back on. Even more important is printing your photos in one way, shape or form so they don’t get lost as technology progresses. That is why all of my clients walked away from this event not only with some digital images to share, but also a beautiful mounted 8×10 print so they have something tangible.
The response to this event was AMAZING! The first (and what I had originally planned on as only) slots sold out in 40 seconds. Yes, 40 seconds. You guys are quick!!! I then opened up a second day for those who originally missed out but just a couple of minutes, or seconds.
Putting this together and shooting this event was so.much.fun! It was so great to see so many of you again, and some new faces as well! Everyone really brought the love, cuddles and kisses as I wanted and I really think the love of a mother shines through in each and every one of these.
If you want to be the first to know about special events like these and upcoming important announcements (I’ve got a great one coming up!) scroll to the bottom of this post and sign up for my newsletter. You’ll be the first to know and you also wont get spammed. I promise. Now, enjoy these beautiful mama’s and babies!
Alissa Cordoba Photography offers expert family and newborn photography in Austin, Texas, specializing in lifestyle portraits and documentary films. With a fun, relaxed approach, Alissa creates authentic memories for families while also providing high-quality brand photography.